This course in American Literature is designed to help you evaluate and question that literature that reflects the identity ingrained in our minds. Additionally, this course will force you to think critically about both the literature and real-world documents we encounter. The critical reading, writing, and thinking you engage in will help you continually develop into a competent, informed citizen. This blog spot will soon be home to a weekly homework assignment called Response of the Week. Every Wednesday, this spot will be updated with a link for you to read and a question to answer and discuss online with all of my English III classes at once. It is a small step, but it is our first one in broadening our educational community. Stay posted! 
alisha cross
8/15/2011 11:14:16 am

I think that the article is not a good idea bout taking everyone personal history and save it on file in case they want to look back on it. Not everyone was involved with the September 11th attack not everyone was a terroist, that even goes with the same religion it doesnt matter there not the ones that cuase or planned the 9 ll attack. Plus just becuase he held an high office doesnt mean his oppionion is really the best, this really makes reference to the crucidable alot becuase, how they falsely accused innocent people of witch craft if they were doing something the other oersin didnt approve of or looked down upon. or how the head official during that time period was the one that convicted them of witchcraft and crimes, how does his one opionion affect everyone elses life. so no i dont agree with that article i think its very byiest. everyone has the right to be treated the same, and not being held responsible for someone elses actions.

Austin Hunter
8/16/2011 10:45:13 am

I think thats dumb because people have a right to there own privite life with out people waching them every day and saving every thing to a database so the F.B.I. can moniter it. Not every one in the world is a terroist that was involved in the attack on September 11th. every one has a right to there own privite life with out needing some one to wach them all the time. it dosent matter what color your skin is or what religion you are because not every one in the world planned for 9 11 to happen so I think that the only people who should be held accoutable for what happen are the ones who did it. this go's with the book because it shows how people who didnt do any thing were being blamed for doing stuff random people had there lives ruined because of it.

Cameron booker
8/16/2011 12:01:39 pm

Well i don't agree because i want my privicy. I don't want somebody looking at what i do and how i run my life it's me and my life i don't want people in my bizz. And i agree with Austin comment, people shouldnt be blamed for something they didn't do so they shouldn't be sterotyped by the way they look or how they act. People being blamed for something noone can prove they should keep there thoughts and opinions to theirself. Having peoples stuff saved into files is a horrible idea and its creepy because people don't want other people knowing what they do and if they did they will tell people thats why it's called private.

trey fout
8/19/2011 12:36:44 am

I think that the article is not a good idea bout taking everyone personal history and save it on file in case they want to look back on it. Not everyone was involved with the September 11th attack not everyone was a terroist, that even goes with the same religion it doesnt matter there not the ones that cuase or planned the 9 ll attack. Plus just becuase he held an high office doesnt mean his oppionion is really the best, this really makes reference to the crucidable alot becuase, how they falsely accused innocent people of witch craft if they were doing something the other oersin didnt approve of or looked down upon. or how the head official during that time period was the one that convicted them of witchcraft and crimes, how does his one opionion affect everyone elses life. so no i dont agree with that article i think its very byiest. everyone has the right to be treated the same, and not being held responsible for someone elses actions.

justin meredith
8/23/2011 05:50:28 am

Well i don't agree because i want my privicy. I don't want somebody looking at what i do and how i run my life it's me and my life i don't want people in my bizz. And i think , people shouldnt be blamed for something they didn't do so they shouldn't be sterotyped by the way they look or how they act. People being blamed for something noone can prove they should keep there thoughts and opinions to theirself. Having peoples stuff saved into files is a horrible idea and its creepy because people don't want other people knowing what they do and if they did they will tell people thats why it's called private

1/25/2012 11:30:25 pm

Nice one info, thx

1/28/2012 02:56:46 am

Thank you for details

3/22/2012 10:38:08 am

Thanks for details

3/30/2012 06:00:31 pm

Great info, thx


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