After reading the Preamble and Bill of Rights, which right do you find the most important to you at this point in your life? How are your rights different of that of adults (if at all)? 

This post is different than ones before it. You must not only respond to the questions I have posted, but you must react to your fellow students. You may agree, disagree, or question their argument. If you post first, you will respond later. 

I will be contributing to the discussion, so if I am the last person before you post, respond to me. 

Due: September 20th

Click on the link above and read the article about the purpose theater (or theatre) has for our world and your (or our) generation. There are some paragraphs that primarily discuss Children's theater. Do not focus on those. Instead focus on the text that helps you best answer the questions in the two paragraphs below. 

The author claims that "Each medium (theater and film) clearly has its virtues, but, just as clearly, they are different virtues. Film is better at doing for. But theatre, in imaginative hands, is better at doing with: calling up, exercising, and, ideally, extending the imaginations of the children (students) in the audience." How has reading and discussing the play in class allowed you to exercise your ability to analyze the play?

Also, list one advantage that reading has over film and one that film has over reading. Explain your answer. 

Due September 6th